Church Building Project Updates

7/7/2022 -
82 confirmed volunteers have been confirmed at this time. Volunteers are starting to be matched with hosts.
7/14/2022 -
Construction has reached the point to where the floor is able to be poured in the near future.
8/2/2022 -
Most of the early team has begun to fill in, and will continue to do so for the remainder of the week as the Builders for Christ officially begin work.
8/6/2022 -
Big work day with pretty much all the workers having arrived. Most of the walls got put up this day.
8/8-9/2022 -
With the walls up, the builders were able to make some good progress on the roof, as well as continue working on the walls.
8/10/2022 -
A whole lot of, if not the remainder of, the roof, initial walling, and truss have been put in place.
8/11/2022 -
This final day with the Mobile Baptist Builders concluded a long week of hard work. A majority of the roof has been placed with very little left to be done. The walls also need siding still, but the electricity is all set inside as well. There's still a lot of work to be done, but so much has been accomplished. We at NSBC are overwhelmingly grateful for all the volunteers who travelled all this way to help us out!
8/21/2022 -
Additional progress has been made throughout the week. The second team of builders has arrived, and are preparing for another busy week of construction.
8/22/2022 -
With most if not all of the team having arrived, this day involved a lot of interior work being accomplished.
8/23/2022 -
Tuesday had some major advancements as well, both inside as well as outside in spite of the rain. Exterior siding was attached in several areas.
8/24/2022 -
More siding was placed, and work continues to progress strongly in the new Fellowship Hall and classroom areas as well as the continued work exteriorly. Much drywall was also placed inside on the building's walls.
8/25/2022 -
The progress keeps going strong today, with a lot of drywall tape, mudding, and more siding continuing to be placed up on the walls.
8/26/2022 -
The last day with the Maryland builder was another batch of large steps towards the final building as a whole, though there's still work yet to be done. Once again, we at NSBC greatly appreciate all those who travelled and gave their time to help us out with construction!
11/2/2022 -
There has been a lot of work accomplished in the past two months, and work continues to be done on various projects such as with the painting, electrical work, and with the windows. However, as of today/this week, the parking lot will have been paved, and the sidewalks will also have been completed as well.
11/11-12/2022 -
The windows have finally arrived by now. Also, now that the initial pavement has been put down, people are working on laying down the walkways, and services are being reached out to to finalize the last steps needed to pave the driveway completely.
11/18/2022 -
The parking lot has received it's second round of paving, and it looks really nice! It's been painted in necessary areas as well.
1/15/2023 -
Great progress has been made on the interior with the walls and doors, and the windows are now mostly settled as well. Additionally, at some point during the following week or sometime in the near future, the floor will be layed officially.
2/15/2023 -
Kitchen Permits were obtained today. Soon we will be ready to obtain and add all necessary equipment.
4/30/2023 -
This kitchen floor was finally finished this week, allowing for the addition of kitchen equipment and supplies.
7/17/2023 -
The kitchen has been fully integrated and CO approved, just in time for the Summer Youth Week and Teen Camp to be able to make full use of it.
9/24/2023 -
Today marks the official dedication of this next phase of our new building! We give a special thanks to all the workers and volunteers who took the time to help us with this enormous project. We couldn't have done it without you all, even if your aid was in giving, and none of us could've done this without the Lord's provision. We thank Him for all the many blessings He has bestowed upon us!