October 9, 2022

Honoring Our Firemen and First Responders: Fall Fest Activities and Agape Lunch

Honoring Our Firemen and First Responders: Fall Fest Activities and Agape Lunch

Next Sunday, October 16, we give thanks for those who have come forward to offer their time and service for this annual event. Brittney Goodreau offered to take the lead in organizing the Fall Fest, and Holly Conderino volunteered to co-lead. A list has been posted on the bulletin board in the lobby if you would like to see what supplies will be needed for the activities, or if there is an activity that you may want to take charge of. Please pray for all the plans and preparation, and that this time may be a clear testimony to our community. Contact Brittney or Holly if you have any questions or ideas.

Everyone may bring a main dish and/or dessert for the meal. What a privilege it is to be able to share together in the things of God; praying for one another, serving together, being partakers of His grace together… this, and so much more is available to us because of Christ who gave Himself for us. True love and fellowship among us believers is never about what we can get, but about what we can give.